Lobbying - Montana Legislature
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Search for registered lobbyists and principals on the Commissioner of Political Practices website for transparency in political advocacy.

Interested in information on Lobbying in Montana?

If you are being paid to support or oppose legislation in Montana, you must in most cases be licensed as a lobbyist by the state Commissioner of Political Practices.

The license fee is $150 unless the commissioner waives the fee because you believe that its payment constitutes a hardship. You also may not have to be licensed if the amount paid for supporting or opposing legislation falls below a threshold outlined in state law.

Lobbyist licenses expire on December 31 of each even-numbered year or at the request of the lobbyist.

For more information, contact:

Commissioner of Political Practices
1205 Eighth Avenue
PO Box 202401
Helena, MT 59620-2401
Fax: 406-444-1643