Interested in Becoming a Page During the Legislative Session?
The Montana Legislature offers a unique opportunity for young people to participate in the legislative process through its Legislative Page Program. Page applicants are juniors and seniors in high school who are at least 16 years old. Pages perform a variety of duties under the supervision of the Page Supervisor. Their duties include assisting legislators and House and Senate staff by running errands, delivering messages, and distributing bills, amendments, and other official documents. Pages also have the rare privilege of working on the floor of the House or Senate in the midst of legislative action.
Pages serve for one week and are paid minimum wage. Arrangements and expenses for housing and transportation are the responsibility of the student and his or her parents. The work week extends from 8:00 a.m. Monday to the close of Saturday’s floor session. During the week, pages have the opportunity to meet the Governor, Secretary of State, and other high-level officials.
Pages must fill out an application and be recommended to serve by a Representative or Senator. Representatives may each recommend two students to serve during a legislative session, and Senators may recommend one student and one alternate. Page designations are processed in the order received.
For information regarding the Montana Legislative Page Program, please contact the House or Senate Page Coordinator during legislative sessions or the Chief Clerk of the House and Secretary of the Senate during interims.
More Information
House Page Coordinator: (406) 444-4213
Senate Page Coordinator: (406) 444-5241