Montana State Library - Montana Legislature

Montana State Library

Montana Library Commission (MLC) meets the information needs of Montana government agency management and staff, ensures all Montana citizens have access to information created by their government, supports the role of all Montana libraries in delivering quality library content and services to their patrons, works to strengthen local community public libraries, ensures that Montanans who are visually or physically handicapped are provided access to library resources, and measures its successes by its patrons’ and partners’ successes.

MLC, authorized in Section 22-1-101, MCA, administers state and federal library funding to operate and maintain the state library, oversees the six library federations located throughout Montana, and develops library oriented statewide long-range planning, policy, and service coordination. MLC is also authorized in section 90-1-401, MCA, to develop a standardized, sustainable method to collect, maintain, and disseminate information in digital formats about the natural and artificial land characteristics of Montana. MLC is further authorized in section 90-15-101, MCA, to establish a planning framework for the development of the natural resources information system (NRIS), to implement the system, and to establish an ongoing Montana Natural Heritage Program. Additional responsibilities of the commission include:  assisting all tax-supported libraries and local governments wishing to establish or improve libraries; maintaining an audio book library for use by Montanans unable to utilize printed materials; providing access to state publications; developing a land information plan and administering a granting process for the purposes of implementing the plan; and maintaining and providing information related to Montana’s plant and animal species and habitat and comprehensive natural resources (land) information.

Audits will be provided here once available.