Participate - Montana Legislature
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Although in-person testimony is the most effective way to participate in a legislative committee hearing, the Legislature understands that not everyone can participate in person. For this reason, the Legislature offers a variety of ways for the public to participate in the Legislative process.

Written Comment(s)

The Public Participation icon above allows anyone to sign up to provide remote testimony, submit written comment, or send a simple message (up to 1,000 characters) to an entire committee, or up to five legislators.

Remote Testimony

Anyone who desires to testify at a legislative committee hearing from a remote location must sign in to Public Participation and register to testify on a specific bill no later than (2) hours before the hearing is scheduled to start. When registered, the user will receive an email containing a Zoom link. Follow the instructions contained in the email.

The remote testimony Zoom link is registered to you, individually, and is only valid for one meeting. This link is not to be shared with anyone else.

Remote testimony is done through the Zoom application. Please ensure that this application is downloaded and configured correctly, and that the device has a working microphone and internet connection.

Committee Chairs require remote Zoom participants to display the same name on the Zoom screen that was used to register for Public Participation. If the name on the Zoom display does not match the name used to register, you may be prevented from testifying.

Committee Chairs are also authorized to manage hearings by limiting duplicative testimony, and setting time limits for testimony, as needed. Chairs may also modify the order of bill hearings.

Participants are requested to provide concise, truthful testimony in a dignified, respectful manner.

If a committee hearing is postponed or cancelled after a person has signed up to testify remotely, the person must sign up again when the hearing is rescheduled.

In-person and remote testimony, along with materials presented or distributed to the committee, will be streamed live, recorded, and publicly available on the Legislature’s website.

Other Ways To Participate

Written Comment(s)

A person who is unable to provide in person or remote testimony may submit written comments or documents about a bill or issue to members of a committee through the Public Participation application. Select the Submit Testimony & Exhibits icon and follow the prompts to upload your comments or documents for members of a committee.

Send a General Message

A person may send a short message (up to 1,000 characters) to individual legislators through the Public Participation application. Select the Send a Message icon and follow the prompts to send your message. If preferred, a message may also be delivered to individual legislators through the Information Desk, 406-444-4800.


Legislative meetings are streamed live, recorded, and publicly available on the Legislature’s website.