Reference - Montana Legislature
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Legislative Library

The legislature is privileged to have had a reference center since 1976 to assist Montana’s legislators and staff.

Legislative Publications Database

Documents written by legislative staff are searchable by title, subject, date, and author.

Montana Shared Catalog

The legislative branch partners with the Montana State Library to catalog legislative reference material.

MEPA Documents

A searchable index of electronic Montana Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) documents submitted to the EQC is available here. 

Orientation Materials

A collection of materials for legislators on key responsibilities, committee roles, and resources to navigate sessions.

Law School for Legislators

A presentation on the role of the Executive Branch and Agency Rulemaking – Presented by Lieutenant Governor Kristen Juras

Legislative Audit Documents

The Legislative Audit Division conducts independent audits of state agencies and university system. The reports are available here.

State Agency & Interim Committee Reports

The Montana Legislative Services Division, in accordance with 5‐11‐210, MCA, serves as a clearinghouse for reports that are required to be made to the Legislature. The following list contains report information that has been submitted to Legislative Services for the 2023-2024 interim.