Special - Montana Legislature
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Special Sessions 1889 - Present

LegislatureCalled byDurationSubject
65thGov. Steve BullockNov 14 to Nov 15, 2017Approve fund balance and other transfers as submitted by the Office of Budget and Program Planning; provide for a two-month employer contribution holiday to the state employee group benefits plan; temporarily suspend employer share contributions to the judges' retirement system; revise the sale of new liquor licenses by requiring an auction of newly created licenses; eliminate the transportation and combined block grant payments and suspend the coal fired generating unit payment for the current biennium; revise the state fire assessment to apply to all parcels; temporarily increase the accommodations and rental car tax rates to increase general fund revenues to offset state fire costs; authorize a management fee on excess investment holdings of the Montana State Fund to offset state fire costs; provide appropriations for fire suppression costs and emergency funds for FY 2018 and FY 2019; require third-party reservation intermediaries to pay and remit the lodging facility use tax; and, confirm judicial appointments.
60thGov. Brian SchweitzerSep, 5 2007Appropriate money for fire suppression and disaster response and recovery activities in 2008-2009; approve additional spending authority for emergencies and disasters and eliminate time restrictions applicable to disaster and emergency declarations during fire season.
60thGov. Brian SchweitzerMay 10 to May 15, 2007Enact general appropriations bill for ordinary expenses of legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government and for public schools for biennium ending June 30, 2009; appropriate money for capital projects and information technology capital projects; provide funding for public elementary and secondary schools, authorize optional full-time kindergarten, establish quality educator loan and forgiveness program, and revise Governor's postsecondary scholarship program; enact tax legislation that provides both permanent and one-time-only tax reductions and rebates for Montanans, improves tax compliance, and expands business equipment property tax exemption; provide property tax incentives for new investment in conversion, transport, and manufacturing related to, and research and development of renewable energy, new technology energy, and clean coal energy; and create education trust fund with revenue raised by revisions to tax treatment of income and dividends of real estate investment trusts.
59thGov. Brian SchweitzerDec, 14 2005Enact funding system for Montana public elementary and secondary schools based on definition of "quality" educationcontained in Senate Bill 152, in compliance with Article X, Section 1, of Montana Constitution and in fulfillment of requirements of Montana Supreme Court decision in Columbia Falls Elementary School v. State of Montana and remaining within a balanced budget, as required by Article VIII, Section 9, of Montana Constitution.
57thGov. Judy MartzSep, 13 2002Amend House Bill 2, Chapter 23, Special Laws of August 2002, for sole purpose of providing immediate effective date and providing retroactive applicability date of Aug. 26, 2002.
57thGov. Judy MartzAug 5 to Aug 11, 2002Consider action on legislation 1) approving fund balance transfers as submitted by Office of Budget and Program Planning; 2) reducing general fund expenditures, including those exempted by Section 17-7-140 MCA, House Bill 2, any other appropriation bill, statutory appropriation, or language appropriation; 3) reducing non-general fund appropriations and non-budgeted transfers when reduction will increase general fund balance and any necessary statutory amendments to effectuate legislative reductions; 4) reducing general fund shortfall in revenue; and 5) amending House Bill 41 and Senate Bill 495 to provide for guarantee account in state special revenue fund.
56thGov. Marc Racicot; LegislatureMay 8 to May 11, 2000Governor: Appropriations for economic development programs funded by Chapter 563, Laws of 1999 (declared unconstitutional by Supreme Court Jan. 20, 2000); clarify Chapter 269 bonding authority; and confirm judicial appointees. Legislature: Reduce taxes; loans from coal tax fund to midsized businesses; alternative livestock license moratorium; open-pit mining reclamation; oppose Missouri River designation; aviation fuel tax; tobacco settlement trust fund; insurance information and privacy; and federal estate tax.
56thGov. Marc RacicotJun 15 to Jun 16, 1999Ratify Crow-Montana reserved water rights compact; settlement for Crow claim regarding Montana coal severance tax; exempt certain speeding violations from surcharge.
53rdGov. Marc RacicotNov 29 to Dec 18, 1993Balance 1994 biennium state budget; property tax reform; pension tax refunds; state building maintenance; oil drilling; confirmation of appointees; budget modifications.
52ndGov. Stan StephensJul 6 to Jul 18, 1992Update revenue estimates; balance 1992 biennium state budget; consider fund transfers; sales tax proposal; reform tax structure; hazardous waste moratorium; agency liquor store agreements; drought relief.
52ndGov. Stan StephensJan 6 to Jan 17, 1992Balance 1993 biennium state budget; consider privatization of liquor stores; revise payment schedule for estimated tax payments.
51stGov. Stan StephensMay 21 to May 25, 1990Correct exemptions on natural gas production taxation; workers' compensation unfunded liability; prison construction issues.
51stGov. Stan StephensJun 19 to Jul 14, 1989Education equalization; state spending limitations; new and ongoing revenue sources; office hours for cities and towns; disband Commerce Dept. litigation bureau; revise taxation of retirement income.
49thGov. Ted SchwindenJun 16 to Jul 1, 1986State appropriations and budget changes; taxes on fuels and regulated utilities.
49thGov. Ted SchwindenMar 24 to Mar 29, 1986Liability limits; revenue bonds; special elections; economic assistance.
49thGov. Ted SchwindenJun, 28 1985To correct action on vehicle fees.
48thGov. Ted SchwindenDec 12 to Dec 17, 1983Veterans' and Disabled Citizens' Law.
47thGov. Ted SchwindenJun 21 to Jun 26, 1982Problems at Montana State Prison and in adult corrections programs.
47thGov. Ted SchwindenNov 16 to Nov 24, 1981Appropriation of federal block grant funds.
44thGov. Thomas JudgeAug, 4 1975Six-mill levy for University System.
43rdLegislatureMar, 12 1973Finish work of regular session.
42ndGov. Forrest AndersonJun 7 to Jun 25, 1971Continuation of topics from previous special session.
42ndGov. Forrest AndersonMar 8 to Apr 3, 1971Long-range building 23 days program; sales tax appropriations.
41stGov. Forrest AndersonMar 10 to Mar 19, 1969Supplemental appropriation.
40thGov. Tim BabcockMar 3 to Mar 18, 1967Miscellaneous appropriations.
23rdGov. Frank CooneyNov 27, 1933 to Jan 19, 1934Depression and federal programs for relief and recovery; impeachment brought against Governor and Secretary of State
18thGov. Joseph DixonJan 2 to Jan 29, 1924Legislative appropriations null and void due to Supreme Court decision on gubernatorial veto.
17thGov. Joseph DixonMar 5 to Mar 22-1921Tuberculosis sanitarium; tax collection system; school funding; inheritance tax.
16thGov. Sam StewartJul 29 to Aug 11, 1919Drought relief; highway construction; women's suffrage.
15thGov. Sam StewartFeb 14 to Feb 25, 1918Seed grain law; protect soldiers' and sailors' rights in their absence; state council of defense and state home guard; enact legislation to punish treasonable, seditious, and disloyal utterances and acts.
11thGov. Edwin NorrisDec 27 to Dec 30, 1909Additional bonds for construction of Capitol wings; appropriation for Publicity Department; Bureau of Agriculture, Labor, and Industry.
8thGov. Joseph TooleDec 1 to Dec 11, 1903Labor disputes; mining litigation; district judges.
8thGov. Joseph TooleMay, 26 2003Louisiana Purchase Exposition.